
Joptionpane showinputdialog enter one lyrics


joptionpane showinputdialog enter one lyrics

Oct 22 ndComments. Instead, you want to install a build tool. Cake or Leiningen are Clojure build tools. Install a build tool instead. Furthermore, they make it really easy to manage everything from small scripts to large projects, and can even give you properly classpathed repls as easy as cake repl and lein repl. Oct 9 thComments. Today was a great day for this budding author. I finished my next chapter, chapter 7 tentativeand sent it enter my editor. Even better is that, about 20 minutes ago, I decided who I wanted my technical reviewer to be: Chris Grangeran insanely smart fellow and active member of the Clojure community. He is very interested in doing it, but nothing is official yet I swear to God, all happened 20 minutes ago. There will be a free copy released when the book is finished that I am hoping will become an important entry-point for new Clojurians. I hope to do something similar to Learn You A Haskell and have a pretty HTML version of the book. In summary, 2 chapters have been submitted showinputdialog my publisher for review. Still targeting every 3 weeks for new chapters. Technical reviewer acquired but not entirely official yet. Sep 20 thComments. Keith, my editor, emailed me a few weeks ago wanting to work out a new schedule for the book. We worked out a schedule: I finished the first chapter nearly a week before my September 22nd deadline. This is good news. Chapter 4 is done and is currently undergoing review. We are very excited to have a real solid schedule for the book and I am anxious to get more of the book finished. Schedules are fantastic motivation. That said, our new schedule will certainly not allow for a release. The important thing is that I am actively working on this and that I have real deadlines that it would not be good for me to miss. It is much, much easier to actually write new content with OpenOffice. Sep 18 thComments. I spontaneously decided today that, while sick, Enter would spend the day setting up Octopress and trying it out. I replaced wordpress with it. Unfortunately, this comes with a few consequences. I firmly believe that the benefits of switching to Octopress will outweigh the issues, even if the benefits only apply to me. Jul 10 thComments. Unfortunately, none of them do everything that I require. The big choices right now are XBMC, Plex, and Boxee. My needs are not the same as everyone else. First of all, I have a poor internet connection. Therefore, I have to keep my streaming to a minimum. Because of that, I have these things called DVDs. I get them from Netflix and Redbox and I put showinputdialog into my little disc drive and movies play on my screen. It works pretty well. I need for my media center to handle, at a minimum, Pandora radio, Netflix streaming, DVD playback, music playback, and the ability to control it all from my android phone with a wifi remote. None of them do it. Ever since the Boxee box came out, development has been focused on it. Recently, everybody started whining enter they promised to pick development back up and have a release out by… this fall. In any case, Boxee in its current incarnation is very nice. It can play Pandora better than Plex, and it can stream Netflix just fine. It can do a whole lot of other stuff as well. Unfortunately, the latest version for the mac, 0. If the DVD support worked, Boxee would be absolutely perfect. XBMC is the biggest one of them all. Out of all the things I require, the only thing it does is handle DVD playback and music playback. No clue why, seeing as how the media centers like Boxee and Plex that are based on it do implement them. There are third party add-ons for Netflix and Pandora though. It is like Boxee in that it gets all of the streaming and local media stuff right. Its Pandora support is a little wonky but appears to work. The Netflix support is perfectly fine. It goes straight to the DVD menu. Plex is great, but the DVD support is basically worthless. The biggest thing that irks me is how little the developers seem to care about DVD support. You can set up applications to showinputdialog from within Plex. Alas, the dream is dead. At this point in time, all media centers suck in certain ways. Eventually Joptionpane decided on Plex. I ripped my entire DVD collection so the poor DVD support is less of an issue for me now. Furthermore, the Pandora plugin crappiness is not their fault. It turns out, Pandora is run by assholes who favor Boxee. I still think Boxee is nice. The media server and manager is fantastic and I can think of tons of uses for it in the future. Boxee plans to release a new version this fall after the majority of their userbase had given up on them, assuming they had abandoned the downloadable version for the Boxee Box version enter, so it remains to be seen if it can win my heart. Boxee could be the best all around if it just had a few more developers to spare towards the downloadable version. Jun 12 thComments. Introduction Recently, I announced that my book, Meet Clojure, was officially being published. Contract is signed, sealed, and delivered. It even has its very own website. The contract states that our initial soft deadline is November. I have no clue when it will actually be finished or when it will be in print, but I hope to one something that I can bring to the Conj with me. I recently started a job writing Clojure at Geniso I took a little time off from the book to focus on that. This is my very first one in the world, and it is very important to me that I am able to give them my best and still be able to do this book. I know I can. I want my progress to be an open thing. Writing a showinputdialog is hard work, and a lot of people are confused about how the process works. I know I was. Problems A lyrics important part of writing a book is facing the problems that come with it. I started out in Lyx, one it was the most approachable. Understand that I never intended on this book getting published. I figured that it would just be a totally free thing that I might self-publish dead tree copies of. Therefore, I had to use the things that I could most easily produce a nice looking PDF file from. Lyx was okay, but its editor is really terrible to write in IMO, so I eventually migrated the entire book to pandoc markdown. Unfortunately, my publisher, No Starch, requires that I write the book in OpenOffice or Word in order to take advantage of their stylesheet. I ended up spending a sickening amount of lyrics migrating the book to Lyrics. Each time I migrated the book to a new format, I had to do it by hand. The book would probably be done by now if not for that. I simply cannot stand writing in enter monstrosity. I spend more time clicking buttons and making sure my styles are correct than writing my book. I feel I have enough experience right here and now to declare that OpenOffice is simply not a good thing to have to write a book in. Especially for a programmer who is used to Emacs. I do not blame No Starch for this. They have their workflow and it has worked fine for them before. OpenOffice is one gigantic problem that I wish somebody would fix. I shit you not. What needs to be done, and what is being done Lots. This might sound like a great thing for the eventual reader, and it is, but imagine what kind of torment I have to face because of it. However, this is an important thing and would need to be done regardless of whether it is now or later. It needs to be now because then I can focus on how to structure the rest of the book. Those need to be finished. Finally, I need to get up-to-date with Clojure 1. There is no sense in another book for an outdated Clojure. Finally, on what needs to be done, I need to become accustomed to OpenOffice so that I can get work done. If I can keep from hanging myself first. This book is for complete beginners to Clojurenot programming in general. You need to have experience in approximately one programming language, and the fundamentals of programming should be clear to you. That said, this book is aimed at a very wide audience. Anybody who programs should be able to use this book. One thing you can feel safe knowing is that No Starch is very hardcore about technical and developmental review. Conclusion Writing a book is hard. Joptionpane a book in an environment you are unfamiliar with and hate is even harder. I can do this thing, I just need to stop being lazy and enter. When I finish publishing this post and tweeting about it and such, I am going to spend an hour or two on my book. This whole thing is a lesson in discipline that I am grateful for. Jun 5 thComments. I know, I know. Once they dropped Linux support everybody including myself ran like hell and never looked back. Nonetheless, I stopped using it when I moved to Linux a few years ago. Still sucks up a fat portion of memory, but shit, most media players do at this point, and Songbird does more than most and does it prettier than most. I like the kitchen sink and all that. The theme feather system is lovely, and Songbird can have virtually any look you can think of. Media views are important to me. I am extremely picky about how I am allowed to look at my music. In the screenshot above, notice there are several different panes. An alternative to the iTunesy list view, they allow me to look through my music and narrow things down based on genre, album, and artist. It seemed like a massive miss to me in that new fangled Miro thingy and is my top major reason for not using it. This brings us to extensions, another neat feature of Songbird. Songbird is very Mozillia-y, being a descendent of Firefox, and has a very thorough extension system. When you think of Songbird extensions, think of Firefox extensions. Chatzilla actually runs in Songbird, if you need an idea. Songbird lyrics very modular and a lot joptionpane even relatively basic functionality is implemented as extensions, including the lyrics pane in my screenshot and even stuff like syncing. And this brings us to syncing! Joptionpane is great at syncing. Syncing is implemented as various extensions for MTP and MSC devices. I use my HTC Evo as my little music box, so I enjoy easy ways to throw music at it. Android is great because you can just drag and drop music into the file system just like you would on your own computer. However, there is something to be said for being able to sync from your desktop media player just by dragging and dropping it. Songbird detected my Evo as soon as I plugged it in. Syncing works out of the box for some devices because these devices joptionpane known lyrics configured beforehand. Songbird has to know what types of media a device can take and thus it has to know about that device beforehand for it to work perfectly. This file can tell Songbird its capabilities what it can play and what it can do. Therefore, it must be changed. I got all that done in about 30 seconds and was syncing music. Songbird works on Linux right now, but it may not work forever. A lot of people just jump shipped and abandoned Songbird when they dropped Linux support when they could have saved the whole project if they had just stepped up and helped out. If you like Songbird, consider helping out with the Linux support. Nightingale is an important project. Hope you enjoyed it and learned something anyway. May 16 thComments. I do not like swing. Swing is the bane of my existence. As a matter of fact, none of the various Java GUI frameworks really make me lyrics. When I have to use GUI, I always use Swing regardless of my hatred for it, simply because it is the most accessible of the GUI frameworks. After a week or so of work on a desktop wordpress editor, I had decided that I would, at enter point, write a wrapper around Swing to make it less insane and painful to use. Enter Seesaw There is a God of a man out there named Dave Ray who is working on a fantastic Swing wrapper in Clojure called Seesaw. Enter Tallyho My family and I play a lot of card games. Games like UNO and Quiddler where scoring is essential and tedious. How much paper have you wasted during your lifetime just by scoring board games and such alone? I know we have. It works really well and made things a lot faster and easier. Our pens and papers rejoiced as the war against UNO ended and they were free. Now I have a laptop. A macbook pro, to be precise. When we play games, I tend to carry the laptop in with me and play music and such with it. It only makes sense that I would not crowd the table with my phone as well just for scoring when I have a laptop in front of me, but alas, I could find no decent score keepers like the one I used on Android. I sat and pondered my life and the universe, cried a few tears, blew my nose, and decided that I would just write one myself. Swing sucks, Seesaw is awesome. Therefore, it was logicial that I write Tallyho using Seesaw, and so I did. The result is currently lines of Clojure and the majority really is Clojure and looks like Clojure and not Java! There is a menubar one corresponding right-click menu that all have the same items: Everything you need for scoring. The whole main pane is just a one JTable, a table with names on the left and scores on the right. The most shocking thing about this is how quickly and easily I was able to write this. I got showinputdialog basic thing written in 3 hours, and most of that was learning Seesaw and looking up JTable documentation. It has a good number of features, looks good, scales good, is cross-platform, stable, and all in about an hour a day for 3 days. I would have trouble with just joptionpane the thing if I had written it in straight Swing. There is nothing that can make me run screaming away from an application faster than Swing, but Seesaw made things better. The most amazing part of this, IMO, is the menus. Have you seen Clojure code that works with JMenus and JMenuBars directly? We use these actions in the menubar and the popup menu one almost no code is duplicated or unnecessary. Then look at the frame. The frame is 5 lines of code and could fit on 2 or 3. Seesaw is making Swing possible to read and is getting rid of tedium. At some point, it will be a fairly comprehensive wrapper. Right now, it is still experimental. The author is very one to feedback and he absolutely needs it in order for the project to continue and survive, so please use Seesaw and share your experiences with him. He is very responsive. Lyrics Seesaw project is more showinputdialog than I can properly express here. Seesaw has the potential to mitigate this problem effectively, but the community needs to play a part. I hope Tallyho can serve your purpose. This is a standalone jar that you can use. On Windows, you can typically just double click such a jar for it to run. Usage of the application should be fairly self explanatory. If you run into any bugs or have any feature requests or anything like that, create an issue on the github page. Feedback would be enjoyed. Apr 15 thComments. The uptime of the site has been unbelievably pathetic. When I started TryClojure, Licenser, the author of its original sandbox, bought the try-clojure. His server used to run SunOS and now it runs OpenIndia. Both of which I am insanely unfamiliar with. This limited my ability to maintain the server and such. These complaints pointed out an obvious problem, and one that I am currently addressing and want to talk about here. As of right now, this server has been up for over days since the very day we purchased it. Server uptime will not be a problem. Furthermore, I have the utmost control over the server and what happens to TryClojure. I can monitor errors and figure out problems that might make the site showinputdialog down. A while back, I did a bit of a call to action for TryClojure. With the help of the people who participated, TryClojure was moved to Clojure 1. With the book and general everyday life, my whiny ass gets a little overwhelmed. TryClojure was my first and is my only serious webdev project. When I have to write JavaScript, I rely on JQuery one JS documentation to get me by. This brings me to the actual point of this post. TryClojure is now live on my server with a huge update. All of these changes are brand new and not guaranteed to be bug free. Finally, I need to make one last point. Hell, maybe around 5. If they are left unreported, I may never joptionpane them. Remember google groups thread I linked earlier? When those posts were made, TryClojure was down. I did not know that it was down. It is really easy to contact me. I am open to ideas as to how to make TryClojure better. The great thing about open source lyrics that we can all make TryClojure better together. Mar 22 ndComments. My Github page does not lie. Well, besides showinputdialog two sections and some various fixes. No serious new content. I have to say I needed it. People who know me can vouch on the amount of time that I was spending on the computer for a good year or two. My buddy Alan has been maintaining my projects while I was inactive. Awesome little San Francisconian fellow. Furthermore, I have a decent shot at getting my book published, so I really need to get back to work on it. First of all, everything I said about the book is still true. Getting it published would just be a huge cherry at the tip of the ice-cream cone, because it would mean print versions and a little cash for myself in the process. Second, a lot of the book is written. It is nowhere near done, but I wrote a hefty amount of tome in a very short amount of time. The book feels rickety to me. There are a lot of things that I do not understand and that I need to understand in order to joptionpane my book. One gaping hole in enter knowledge is about reasonably advanced Java interop and concurrency stuff. This is hugely important. After that, I can start adding new content. Furthermore, there are a lot of people that are interested in reviewing my book. Since the book is going to be open source, I am not stingy and any Clojurer who would like to help me out is very welcome to do so. Just email me or send me a message at Github. Bug the shit out of me. The book is absolutely still in progress. Slow progress, but progress nonetheless. I love you guys, Clojure, and programming in general way to much to disappear forever. But damn it, my ego asked for one, and who am I to deny him what he asks for? Unicorns being milked for their magic. I used exitwp to import my Wordpress posts into Octopress. While it did its job importing the posts, it managed to clobber paragraph breaks and all of my code along the way. All of the old links are broken. I never used readable links with Wordpress and Octopress rightfully uses them by default. All of the comments are gone. Boxee Boxee is great. XBMC XBMC is the biggest one of them all. Plex Plex is awesome. July 19, Eventually I decided on Plex. Copying and pasting was another of the big gripes once again, understandably. You can do it now.

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